Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Enough with the waffle

To make up for yesterday's ramblings, here are some pics that I took in the garden this evening. Looks like Spring is here :)

Viburnum (technically winter flowering, but it's still going strong)

Daff (obviously)


Catkins on my Twisted Willow (this is my favourite plant in the whole garden)

Sunset over Manchester


artyfartykat said...


Kai said...

lovely, lovely srping..

we have daff's and anemones in the garden too...

didn't realise you were in Manchester.. I come from around there!!

Fiona Reynolds said...

Lovely photos. My twisted willow has just started with the catkins too. It's been lovely in Manchester this week.

I also enjoyed your happiness musings.

Artis-Anne said...

What beautiful photos .
Don't know about Spring being here yet though, I have just heard on the news that they are calling for snow for the weekend, great !!!
My twisted wilow hasn't got any as yet they are curled up tight:( , maybe they know its going to snow

TutleyMutley said...

Gorgeous pics - but I heard that an arctic blast is due to blow down from Scotland on Sunday?

TutleyMutley said...

OOps just realised that Artis-anne said much the same thing. Ah well, never mind.

Linda said...

Twisted willow looks lovely. It is so nice to see the garden come to life.

Kath said...

Wow - best shot I've seen of Manchester I've seen in ages! Lovely spring flowers as well! Hadn't realised you were so local!