Saturday, May 05, 2007

V for victory?

I finished my Spirit Tank Top today. It is blocking as I type. I am fairly pleased with it, I think, although I am hoping that the miracle of blocking will even out the stitches and make it look a little less, erm, homemade. I don't normally have a problem with unstraight stitches so I am blaming the yarn. We'll see. Anyhoo, one of the reasons that I am quite pleased with this tank is that I deviated from the pattern. I did my own thing. I designed something. All by myself (well, with a little help from Debbie Stoller.)

The original pattern was for a round neck but thought I would rather have a V.

So I did some scribbling:

Made up the decreases on the neck:

The neckband sits flat, there doesn't appear to be any stretching or excess baggage and I can
still get it over my head ;)

We left it soaking

and went outside in the sunshine to play


Kai said...

i like the neck on the tank.. and the colour itself is yummy. although, i think i've already said that at some point! :)

playing in the sun, always a good idea.

artyfartykat said...

Looking forward to seeing the finished tank, with your design on the neck!
What a gorgeous cat, looks relaxed in the sun!

Ang said...

ooooh well done you! Can't wait to see it finished.

Artis-Anne said...

oh you tease you :) Love the neck and the colour now I WANT to see the rest LOL

Linda said...

That neck line looks great...Can't wait to see it. And your cat is lovely!

acrylik said...

The neckline is fab, and now I've seen your finished tank I think it looks so much better than the original pattern. Excellent!