Sunday, April 01, 2007

Spring Sunday

Well what a lovely weekend it has been so far, all sunny and (quite) warm, although pretty windy up here in t'north. When the sun was shining out the front this morning, something happened for the first time... our temperature widget doodah said it was warmer outside than inside! 19°C is a bit out, as the sensor is in a suntrap, but it makes good viewing :)

Work has begun on the Bayerische sock. There are any number of things that could go bad about this sock - the coloured yarn is one of them and also the size. Eunny has much smaller feet than me and Northern Monkey already had to frog hers because they were too snug. I am using bigger needles and keep trying them on - so far, so stretchy - but there are niggly doubts.


Kai said...

Hee! Hee!
Your gadgety thingy is funny! :)

I love the sock so far and the yarn is looking so lovely.. hope you don't have to frog it. :s

Linda said...

The sock looks lovely so I hope it fits. And the tank top looks good too. I confess I have frogged mine as it was boring to knit but will start again at some stage!

artyfartykat said...

Phew! I can feel the heat from here!
The sock is looking fab so far too.

acrylik said...

I like your temperature gadget! The sock looks great, I really hope that it all goes fine. Not tried that particular pattern, so I will be interested to see how you get on with it.

Anonymous said...


I forgot to say in the other place, the cables seem to showing up well! So, so glad you're having better luck with the sizing.

Piglottie said...

I love this pattern and the yarn is stunning - shall watch with interest and send offerings on your behalf to the yarn fairy in charge of frogging (or in this case, no frogging please).

PS: Love the new look blog - tres posh. :)

Modelwidow said...

The yarn is such lovely colours - hope it works out well with the pattern.

belaybunny said...

The sock is looking great so far, I love the colour. And the tank top is nice, but probably very boring to knit!!

Kath said...

Sorry bit slow to notice new look blog but then it is late! Love the sock yarn - never tried the pattern as it looks a bit complex so will keep fingers crossed they will work out for you! The look beautiful so far!