Saturday, August 09, 2008

Socks socks socks

So, when last you heard from me I was about to start making some socks for my sister for her birthday. I picked out some very pretty Colinette Jitterbug yarn from the stash and a very pretty lattice pattern from the Sensational Knitted Socks book and set to. My sister has slightly bigger feet than me, but not by much, so I reckoned that any sock that comfortably fit me will fit her well enough. I had a slight hiccup when I spotted a mistake and had to frog a few rows and try again. Could be me, it often is. Try again. Nope. I checked online and was shocked by the number of errata that come up for this book. Got the right instructions, set off again.

I got started on the second sock straight away - and things are going well.... until about three inches to go to the toe I had a sudden realisation that I'm going to run out of yarn. So I undid the toe of the first sock, shortened it by half an inch and pinched the yarn to finish the second sock. Unfortunately, now they are really too small to give to my sister so they have found a home in my sock drawer. Shame.

Cutting it fine.

So, I have started on another pair of socks that are intended for my sister. I bought some Regia sock yarn in the Woolly Workshop sale last month and thought I'd have a try at some two colour socks. I like trying new things, and the pattern is really fun. Just a shame that these seem to be turning a little on the small side....

And I leave you with Mr C relaxing in style.


florencemary said...

Oh dear, what a pity that all these socks turn out to be just your size! and not your sis's!

Mr C looks to be one cool cat. I love it so much when cats assume this pose!

Anonymous said...

Running out of yarn is so frustrating. -_-

HEEE, you have the best cat.

Fiona Reynolds said...

Shame those socks ended up too small. I like your blue socks.

Modelwidow said...

Lovely socks, I bet you are heartbroken that they turned out too small (hehe). The blue ones are looking rather good, and as for Mr C, awww cute!