Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sheep art

In the snow

This is todays picture from my Picture A Day blog and I'm putting it here to because I feel that it fits well with the weather we are having. And I like sheep :)


florencemary said...

It's a really little painting!

I like how you've painted the snow on the side of the tree. And woollybacks - yeh, we luv 'em!

florencemary said...

Eh, now that doesn't read quite right... I'll try again: it's a really LOVELY little painting!

Kai said...

Great painting! :)

Modelwidow said...

Lovely sheep, I could happily have that picture on my wall

TutleyMutley said...

It's beautiful! I like sheep too.

woolydoodles said...

What a fab pic!
I love your know how much I like cables! I've been umming and ahhing over 'hug' for a while but think I've enough in my stash to be going on with for a while...well at least til Woolfest lol
Take care
Love n hugs
Mel x

Ang said...

It's beautiful.

gilraen said...

Oh I really love that picture!!!! Well done on capturing the snow/cold/sheep so beautifully. :D

Anonymous said...

Sheepies! I love it.

LittleBerry said...

That would make a lovely Christmas card :o))))

Fiona Reynolds said...


Anonymous said...

very cute sheep - nice work! I love the looseness of it, it leaves a bit to the imagination, while still giving enough info to complete the picture.
Keep up the good work!