I have been off knitting for a while. I finished my lace cardy and the sleeves might just fit an orang-utan. But, as my other half helpfully pointed out, we don't know any orang-utans to give it to. There were the usual stages of denial (it's not so bad, I can live with it - as the sleeves hang 6 inches off my finger tips), anger (stupid pattern, and how could I miss noticing in the pictures in the magazine that the sleeves are too long, and all the other people with projects on Ravelry have commented about the sleeves being too long, why didn't I take heed?) and finally acceptance (I really have to do something about this, I spent too long knitting the cardigan for it to end up pushed to the back of a drawer.) So I came up with an extreme plan, which *touch wood* seems to be working out ok at the moment but it's very stressful. I don't know if I can bring myself to tell you what I've been doing - are you sitting down??
Okay. Deep breath. The lace cardy is knitted from the back upwards, then increased over the sleeves, decreased and split for the two fronts. So it's not possible to simply frog back the sleeves to make them shorter because the knit stitches are sideways. So I steeked them, and am making a pair of fingerless lace mitts out of the ends. Yes. I CUT my lace.
Photos to follow... if you are brave enough to look.