Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sheep Happens Outdoors!

For the first time in aaages, today we went out for a walk. Over the moors, from White Hill over Poole Hill and back (8,5 miles). It was nice to get outside for a change, as although as a knitter I appreciate time for quiet sitting and knitting, it was about time to get out and stretch the old legs.

It did start raining as we were heading back to the car, but as the weather recently has been consistant if nothing else we were prepared and had taken our waterproofs.

Towards Marsden


Lookout Sheep

The moors are greener than I think I've ever seen them. Even with the clouds of impending wetness looming overhead.

Sunshine on a Rainy Day


acrylik said...

Beautiful, looks like you had an amazing day.

Linda said...

How lovely, I am in need of some countryside too!

Piglottie said...

Beautiful pictures Helen! And Foxgloves are my favourite flowers (especially when you see fat bee bottoms wiggling out of them :)

belaybunny said...

more lovely photos, and well done to you too for getting out. I hope this weather gets better soon, it's far too wet - it's raining here yet again!!

Modelwidow said...

How nice to have been able to get out and about, thanks for sharing the pictures, like the jumper in waiting!

Artis-Anne said...

Gorgeous photos and so glad you were able to get out in between the showers .

artyfartykat said...

What a beautiful place to walk. Love the lookout sheep! I might have known wool would have to figure somewhere!! ;)

Ang said...

Oh what beautiful photographs!